We have a pleasure to invite you to the Symposium on Theoretical and

Numerical modeling of Biomembranes

in conjunction with

International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics

(ICNAAM 2014)

Biomembranes, surrounding individual cells and organelles inside of eukaryotic cells, form barriers that separate inside from out and allow the existence of life processes. Therefore, their structure and properties have been a vital part of the research for many years now.  However, due to their complex nature, experimental studies have to be complemented by theoretical and computational investigations in order to provide a holistic understanding of biomembranes. The symposium welcomes all researches and students interested in biomembranes research based on theoretical approaches. The studies should be presented in a way to enable a dialog between theory and experiments and, subsequently, to encourage experimental verification of the presented ideas. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Membrane structure and function
  • Transport across membranes
  • Membrane fusion
  • Membrane changes during cell division
  • Electroporation
  • Energy transformation in membrane systems
  • Propagation of information
  • Membrane and immunology response
  • Modification of membrane properties


Call for Abstracts

Abstract not exceeding 300 words should include:

  • Title
  • Authors’ names and affiliations, including email address of the presenting author
  • Description of the study’s main objective
  • Description of materials and/or methods
  • Description and importance of the results obtained

Abstracts for poster and oral presentation should be emailed to the Symposium organizer: krystian.kubica@pwr.wroc.pl

Deadline for Abstract submission: May 30, 2014

Authors of the accepted Abstracts will be invited to prepare the extended Abstracts (up to 4 pages) according to the instructions: www.icnaam.org/abstract.htm

More information about the Conference: http://www.icnaam.org

Chair and Organiser of ICNAAM 2014                      Organiser of the Symposium

Prof. Dr. Theodore Simos                                   Prof. Dr. Krystian Kubica


Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation, Wroclaw University of Technology Wroclaw, Poland

E-mail: krystian.kubica@pwr.wroc.pl

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