It is a pleasure to invite you to participate in the 5th edition of the interdisciplinary conference ‘Biomolecules and Nanostructures’ to be held in Mlyn Jacka Hotel & Spa in Jaroszowice near Krakow, starting on May 13th 2015 in the evening and ending on May 17th in the morning (Wednesday to Sunday).
The key topics of the Conference cover current subjects on the crossroads of molecular biology, physics and chemistry, including biomolecules, nanostructures, nanomachines, and biosensors.
The specific topics of the ‘Biomolecules and Nanostructures 5’ will include:
• protein folding
• single-molecule manipulation
• biomolecular complexes and their interactions
• nucleic acids
• biomembranes
• phenomena at bio-nano interfaces
and other subjects in molecular biophysics and biochemistry, both experimental and theoretical.
Many well-known scientists have agreed to give invited talks, as listed at: The list of the talks is not yet final. In particular, a few short talks will be selected from the submitted abstracts. The book of abstracts will be issued within the Europhysics Conference Abstracts series, published by the European Physical Society.
The deadline for registration, abstract submission, and making payment for lodging and the conference fee is March 1, 2015.
The Conference is organized by the Institute of Physics of Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, the Committee of Physics of Polish Academy of Sciences and the Pro Physica Foundation, under the auspices of the Division of Physics in Life Science of the European Physical Society. The previous editions of this conference were held in other places: three times in Bedlewo near Poznan and once in Pultusk near Warsaw. The website has links to the previous editions. The scientific content of those meetings can also be looked at there. So far, we were frequently getting enthusiastic feedbacks from the participants.
The current conference will take place in a small village of Jaroszowice some 60 km away from Krakow. Krakow is one of the oldest and the most famous Polish towns. It was the capital of Poland between 1038 and 1596. The Krakow Airport is the nearest facility to fly in. You can also get to Krakow from Warsaw by express trains. The travel takes about 3 hours. The driving time is 4 – 4.5 hours. The trains to Zakopane, either from Warsaw or from Krakow, stop in Sucha Beskidzka which is about 20 km from the venue.
The conference fee includes all local expenses: admission to the conference, conference materials, coffee breaks, meals, four star accommodation, group transportation from Krakow or Sucha Beskidzka to Jaroszowice on May 13th 2015 and back on May 17th 2015. Registration will be on the first-come first-served basis. Our goal is to provide an informal, creative atmosphere and highly interactive nature of this meeting, thus the number of participants is limited to ca. 110 persons.
The International Advisory Board consists of:
• Bertrand Garcia-Moreno, Johns Hopkins University, USA
• Chris Johnson, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK
• Adam Liwo, University of Gdansk, Poland
• Annalisa Pastore, King’s College, UK
• Andrzej Sienkiewicz, EPFL & ADSresonances Sàrl, Switzerland
You are welcome to circulate this announcement to your coworkers and anybody who may be interested. The conference poster can be downloaded from:
We apologise for any multiple postings.
Yours sincerely,
Marek Cieplak and Anna Niedzwiecka
The organizers of the Conference
Laboratory of Biological Physics, Institute of Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland