German Biophysical Society

Annual Meeting of the German Biophysical Society (DGfB)
23–26 September 2012 • Göttingen (Germany)

Dear colleagues and friends,
We cordially invite you to submit your abstract for our Annual Meeting of the German Biophysical Society from 23 to 26 September 2012 in Göttingen, Germany.

Our conference traditionally is a meeting point for scientists and students from multidisciplinary fields representing Biophysics, with a special focus on the topics of Molecular Biophysics, Membranes, Cells, Networks and Medical Biophysics. Leading experts will present latest developments and research results in plenary and parallel sessions.
A comprehensive poster exhibition will further promote the scientific exchange and discussions.

Please submit your abstracts in English language online until 21 June 2012. We are already looking forward to the presentations of diverse innovative works of various institutions to all topics within the field of Biophysics and wish us many new insights and lots of inspiration!

For further information please refer to the conference homepage or contact the authorised conference agency Conventus via mail to or via telephone +49 (0)3641 311 63 62.
Please find the poster call for abstracts as pdf-file here.

We are looking forward to welcome you in Göttingen in September!

The German Biophysical Society invites you to forward this newsletter to colleagues or associates who might be interested in our regular news summaries.

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Helmut Grubmüller
Conference Chair
Prof. Dr. Andreas Janshoff
Conference Chair
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