XIVth Annual Meeting of the Spanish BS

Dear EBSA members, friends, colleagues and students,

It is a real pleasure to announce that registration is now open for the XIVth International Congress of the Spanish Biophysical Society (Sociedad de Biofísica de España), a member of the European Biophysical Societies’ Association (EBSA).

This annual meeting, which is advertised and held in English to encourage the participation of scientists from abroad and to promote the “training” of our youngest collaborators in an international arena, will take place this year in Alcalá de Henares during 11-13 June.

I do not need to remind you that this attractive city, very near Madrid, has a long academic tradition and is listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO.

We would like to inform you on the `Call for Abstracts` of the following conference. We would highly appreciate if you could spread this information among your members:  XIVth Annual Meeting of the Spanish Biophysical Society (SBE) 2014 /International Congress of SBE.

11-13 June 2014 in Alcalá de Henares (near Madrid)

This Meeting is supported by EBSA and 4 EBSA bursaries are avalaible for young biophysicists (find information in the web page of the Meeting). Deadline to applicate: March 20th. See information in the webpage of SBE (www.sbe.es).

Conference Website: http://www.sbe2014.org/home/index.php We cordially invite you to registrate and submit your abstract online until April 30th.

The aim of this Meeting is to bring together biophysicts from Spain with those from other European and American countries. English will be the exclusive language of the Meeting. Please find further information on the conference website and see attached invitation letter from the Conference Organizing Committee.

Thank you for your cooperation and the support provided!

Best wishes,
Juan Carmelo Gomez-Fernandez
President of the Spanish Biophysical Society

pdf file


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